Spiritual Journey of the Mystics (Suluk al-Arifan) Popular
Author(s): Haj Mirza Javad Agha Maliki Tabrizi
Translator(s): Sayyid Hussein Alamdar
Category: Education Spirituality
Topic Tags: Irfan Mystic Philosophy Ramadhan
This book Contains these titles:
ID book؛ point؛ Dedication؛ A request from the Translator؛ Translator's Foreword؛ Biography of Late Hajj Mirza Javad Agha Malaki Tabrizi (R.A.)؛ Etiquette and Deeds of the Holy Month of Ramadhan؛ Some Special Distinctions of the Holy Month of Ramadhan؛ The Splendour and Eminence of Supplications Compiled by the Ahlul-Bait [a]؛ Etiquette and Codes of Prayer؛ Some Other Deeds of the Holy Month of Ramadhan؛ The Leadership (Imamat) and Preaching (Va'iz)؛ Night of Power (Lailatul-Qadr)؛ The Last Night of the Holy Month of Ramadhan
- Author :
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- Language :
- Type :دیجیتالی
- Type of content :
- Total Volume :1
- Digital number :12682
- Cost View :رایگان
- Book Version :1