An Introduction to Irfan Popular
Authors(s): Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari
Category: Spirituality
Journal: Vol.4, N.1
Topic Tags: Irfan Sufism Shia Spiritual Teachings Spirituality
This book Contains these titles:
BOOK ID؛ point؛ Introduction؛ Theoretical Irfan؛ Shari'ah, Tariqah and Haqiqah؛ The Origins of Islamic 'Irfan:؛ A Brief History؛ 'Urafa' of the Second/Eighth Century؛ 'Urafa' of the Third/Ninth Century؛ 'Urafa' of the Fourth/Tenth Century؛ 'Urafa' of the Fifth/Eleventh Century؛ 'Urafa' of the Sixth/Twelfth Century؛ 'Urafa' of the Seventh/Thirteenth Century؛ 'Urafa' of the Eighth/Fourteenth Century:؛ 'Urafa' of the Ninth/Fifteenth Century؛ The Mystic's Stations (Maqamat):؛ Zahid, 'abid & 'arif:؛ The 'arif's Goal:؛ The First Station؛ Exercise and Self-Discipline:؛ Some Terms of 'Irfan:
- Author :
- Publisher :
- Language :
- Type :دیجیتالی
- Type of content :
- Total Volume :1
- Digital number :11985
- Cost View :رایگان
- Book Version :2