ID Book
Labbaf, Ali,
A Victim Lost in Saqifah/ Ali Labbaf; Translated by Hassan Najafi.-Qum: Ansariyan, 2008.
576 P.
ISBN: 978-964-438-976�8
Original Title: ������ ����� �� �����
1. Saqifeh Bani Sa�edeh. 2. Ali ibn Abitaleb, Imam I. 599
� 661 � Proof of Calihpate. I. Najafi, Hasan, Tr.
294.452 BP 223.54 .L3
This book contains the following topics:ID Book; Dedicated to; Acknowledgement; Preface;
INTRODUCTION; Beginning of Discussion; Introduction to Applications of Two Tendencies by way of Criticism and Narration;
Discourse One; Discourse Two; Discourse Three; Discourse Four; Discourse Five;
Discourse Six Deviation in the Meaning of Divinely-Granted Caliphate of Ali;
Discourse Seven Denial of Differences between Ali and Caliphs;
Discourse Eight To Acknowledge the Legitimacy of Caliphs� Government
Discourse One Criticism and Investigation about Propaganda of Silence of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) �
Correct Interpretation Ali�s Silence and its Causes� Are Shias obliged to avoid discussion on Caliphate�?�
Are Shias obliged not to Debate on Imamate?� Discourse Two Criticism and Scrutiny of Analyses Propagated about Consultation of Caliphs with Ali �
What does Scrutiny of Statistics show?� Discourse Three Criticism and Scrutiny of Analyses Publicized regarding Ali�s cooperation with Caliphs� Government�
Analysis of Ali�s participation in Caliphs� Government� Was Ali given a Governmental responsibility during the tenure of the Caliphs? �
Did Amirul Momineen (a.s.) have Positive Outlook to Battles of Caliph�s � Criticism and Scrutiny of Ali�s Positive Outlook to Battles[1]�
Participation of Hasan and Husain (a.s.) in battles of Caliphs[1]� Scrutiny of Participation of Ali�s Companions in Battles and Government of Caliphs[1]�
Scrutiny of Participation of Ali�s Companions in Battles and Government of Caliphs[1]� Did Amirul Momineen (a.s.) Always Attend Caliphs� Prayers?�
Discourse Four Scrutiny and Criticism of Analyses Publicized in Respect of Relations between Caliphs and Amirul Momineen (a.s.) �
Examples of statements in Sunni sources about Zahra�s anger on Abu Bakr� Aim of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) in taking over the Guardianship of Muhammad bin Abu Bakr? �
Did the Second Caliph desire Ali to be Caliph after him?� Discourse Five Publicized Analyses about the relation of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) with Caliphs �
Final conclusion Zahra�s Martyrdom is not Fiction.
Motive of this Research� Introduction Claim of Righteous Caliphate is Untrue� Discourse One Piety and Simplicity Scrutinized
Discourse Two Scrutiny of Social Justice� Discourse Three Scrutiny of Judicial justice� Discourse Four�
Discourse Five� Conclusion.
Section One Allegiance of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) to Caliphs�
Discourse One Absence of Ali�s Approval to Abu Bakr�s Caliphate
Discourse Two Efforts to Obtain Imam Ali�s (a.s.) Bay�at after the Prophet�s Demise
Discourse Three Lack of Public Satisfaction from Abu Bakr�s Caliphate
Discourse Four Efforts to prove the Bay�at was of free choice after Zahra�s martyrdom
Section Two Influence of Deviation on Shia Belief of Imamate (Discourse One
Discourse Two Sunni-inclined interpretations of Imamate and Wilayat
END Caution of Wilayat and warning of Hazrat Zahra (s.a.) about the beginning of deviation in belief of Imamate
- Author :
- Publisher :
- Language :
- Type :دیجیتالی
- Type of content :
- Total Volume :5
- Digital number :11468
- Cost View :رایگان
- Book Version :3