The Life of Imam Al-Hasan Al-Mujtaba Popular
Author: Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi
Translation by: Jasim al-Rasheed
Editor: Abdullah Al-Shahin
Subjects: Imam al-Hasan; Imamate; History
This Book Contains these titles:
ID Book; Dedication; Foreword; Introduction; Preface; Chapter I (The two Lights meet together, Her High Position, Imam Ali proposes to Fatima, The Dower, The Trousseau, The Sermon of the Contract, The Banquet, The Wedding); Chapter II (The Newborn Child, Rites at the Birth of a Child, His Features); Chapter III (Cleverness and Genius, His Memorizing of Traditions); Chapter IV (Honor and Laudation, 1. The Verse of Love - al-Mawadda, 2. The Verse of Tat-theer, The Verse of Mubahala, The Sura of Hal Ata, The Prophet�s Traditions, The first Group, The Second Group, The Second Group, The Muslims honor al-Hasan); Chapter V (The Great Tragedy, The Farewell Pilgrimage, The Declaration at Ghadir Khum, The Prophet seeks Forgiveness for the dead in the Cemetery of al-Baqee�, The Regiment of Usama, His Illness becomes more critical, Retaliation, Fatima feels Sorrow, The Prophet gives what he has as Alms, The great Disaster, To the High Comrade); Chapter VI (Part One and Two- At the Time of the two Caliphs); Chapter VII (Part one and two - at the time of Uthman); Chapter VIII (The Ideals, His Imamate, The Imam's Duties, His Qualities, His Appointment, His Noble Morals, His Generosity, Examples of His Generosity, His worship and Fear of Allah, His Ritual ablution and prayers, His asceticism, His Dignity and veneration, His good style and eloquence; Noble moral traits; vices, Urging to seek knowledge, Excellence of Reason, Supplication; Politics, A companion, Munificence and good Deeds, Ahadith about other subjects, Warning against those who distort Allah's Book, Al-Shahid and al_Mashhood, Some of al_Hasan's Sermons, His short, wise sayings, His composing of poetry); Chapter IX (At the time of Imam Ali, The pledge of Allegiance, The Prophet's companions support the Imam, Quraysh becomes silent with fear, Al-Quaad, Confiscating the plundered Properties, Deposing the governors, Announcing Equality , Spreading of Justice, General Freedoms, His Recommendations to his son Al-Hasan, Chapter X (In Basra, Talha ans al-Zubayr's mutiny against the Imam, A�isha rebels against the Imam, The Declaration of the Rebellion, In the Quarters of Basra, The Murder of Hakeem Bin Jabalah, Fabrication against Imam al-Hasan, A�isha is surrounded, The Camel is killed, A�isha is released); Chapter XI (At Siffin); Chapter XII (The Demise of the Truth, His Recommendations, Appointing al-Hasan as Imam, Imam Ali is prepared for Burial, The killer is punished); Chapter XIII (The Pledge of Allegiance); Chapter XIV (The Cold War, The Umayyad Conference, Imam al-Hasan�s Note and Muawiya's answer, Ibn Abbas�s Letter to Imam al-Hasan); Chapter XV (Declaration of War, The Iraqis are terrified, Choosing of Ubaydillah, Historical Mistakes, Chapter XVI (In al-Mada�in, Maskan Events, A Summary of the Events, The Events of Al-Mada�in, Bribing the Leaders, Plundering Imam al-Hasan�s Properties, Assassinating Him, Accusing him of Unbelief, The terrible Attitude); Chapter XVII ( The Reasons of the Peacemaking-Part 1,2,3); Chapter XVIII (The Stipulations of the Peacemaking, The Place and Year of the Peacemaking, Mu�awiya should act according to Allah�s Book, Mu�awiya should not be called the Commander of the faithful, Mu�awiya should give up cursing Imam Ali, The land tax of Dar Abjard, Mu�awiya should not oppress them); Chapter XIX (Imam al-Husayn�s Attitude); Chapter XX (Imam al-Hasan meets with Mu�awiya, The Attitude of Leader Qays); Chapter XXI (The Critics of the Peacemaking, Hijr Bin Adiy, Adiy Bin Hatim, Al-Musayyab Bin Nujba, Malik Bin Dhamra, Sufyan Bin Abi Layla, Bashir al-Hamadani, Sulayman Bin Surad, Abdullah Bin al-Zubayr, Abu Sa�eed, A Companion); Chapter XXII (To Yathrib, His School, Being kind to the Poor, Seeking Protection with him, With Habeeb Bin Maslama, Imam al-Hasan refuses to be related by Marriage to the Umayyads, With Mu�awiya in Yathrib, The Political Party); Chapter XXIII (To Damascus, His Debates); Chapter XXIV (Mu�awiya violates the Stipulations of the Peacemaking Part 1,2,3); Chapter XXV (His Wives and Children, Al-Mansur�s fabricated Lies, Lamens�s Lies); Epilog (Strange Sayings, His will to al-Husayn, His will to Muhammad, Toward the Most High Comrade, The Imam is prepared for Burial, Processions of Escorting, The Prayer over the Corpse, Great Sedition, A�isha permits Abdurrahman to be buried, At the Tomb, The Echo of the Disaster, Mu�awiya�s Delight); APPENDIX (ZIYARAH OF IMAM AL-HASAN, Ziyarah of Imam al-Hasan at al-Baqee� Cemetery)
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- Type :دیجیتالی
- Type of content :
- Total Volume :1
- Digital number :11505
- Cost View :رایگان
- Book Version :3