Islam and Religious Pluralism Popular
Author(s): Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari
Translator(s): Sayyid Sulayman Ali Hasan
Publisher(s): Islamic Publishing House (Canada)
Category: Philosophy
Topic Tags: Religion Humanity
This book Contains these titles:
ID book؛ point؛ Foreword؛ Introduction؛ Biography of the late Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari؛ Good Deeds of Non-Muslims؛ Good Deeds Without Faith؛ Value of Belief؛ Below the Zero Point؛ The Sins of Muslims؛ Summary and Conclusion
تفاصيل الكتاب
- الخالق :
- الناشر :
- اللغة :
- نوع الكتاب :دیجیتالی
- نوع النص :
- عدد المجلدات :1
- رقم رقمي :12548
- رسوم المشاهدة :رایگان
- نسخة من العمل :1